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IMSc Outreach Programs

News and Highlights

July 2024

Upcoming Programs

IMSc Open Day: 1-4pm, 12 August 2024

Demonstrations and experiments for school students.

A star in flames: Comet or Fireball? A review of the Tamil classic Purananuru 229: 12 Sept 2024

Dr. TV Venkateswaran, IISER Mohali

Introduction to creating effective social media posts on science and research: 13 Sept 2024

This workshop for students, scholars, scientists and science communicators will provide a very basic introduction on how to aggregate, design and create the text of a social media message about science and research.

IMSc Conversation Series | Board-gaming for Leisure, Education, and Research: 13 Sept 2024

Dr Jyothi Krishnan

Future Programs*

Facets: TBD 2024

One day workshop for school students

Topics in Biology: TBD 2024

One-day Mathematics program for advanced college students

kaNita-kAnakam: TBD 2024

Mathematics and science program in Tamil for school children

Vigyan Pratibha Teachers Workshop (TN govt schools Tiruvarur region): TBD 2024

Regional workshop for teachers in the Vigyan Pratibha program in Tamil

Vigyan Pratibha Teachers Workshop (KVS/JNV Kerala region): TBD 2024

[Hosted by UoC Calicut] Regional workshop for teachers in the Vigyan Pratibha program

*dates are tentative. We also host other thematic workshops and public lectures. Please check this website or follow us @IMScChennai for updates.


Deep History Sites of the Indian Subcontinent 2020

Eclipse Poster (2019-2020)
| Hindi | English | Telugu | Tamil | Urdu | Kannada | Malayalam | Punjabi |

From Learning to Doing: Science, Education and Public Service in Chennai 2019

Zero Shadow Day Poster 2018

Indian Women in Science Exhibition 2018
Calendar (Feb 2018 - Feb 2019)

Euclid's Elements (Book 1) - Tamil Version


Notebook cover 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018

Dodecahedal Calendars 2024 2020 2019 2018

Regular Programs

For school students

IMSc Open Day 2018
kaNita-kAnakam 2017 2018 2019 2022 2023
Summer School Students Workshop 2018 2019
UN International Day for Girls and Women in Science 2019

For school teachers

Enriching Mathematics Education 2017 2018 2019

For college students

Facets 2018 2019 2020 2022 2023
Topics in Biology 2019

For college teachers

Teachers Enrichment Workshops (Engg) 2017 2018 2019 2023
Teachers Enrichment Workshops (Arts & Science) 2018 2019

For general public

Science at the Sabha 2017 2018 2019 2020 2023

Vigyan Pratibha Program

Vigyan Pratibha is a Government of India for extended nurture of talent in Science and Mathematics among schools students. This workshop is for maths and science teachers of classes VIII - X.

Full list of Past Programs

IMSc Open Day: 24 August 2024

One day program of science talks and activities for school students

Mathematical Modelling workshop: 25 & 26 July 2024

Teacher training program for TN SCERT higher secondary and undergraduate physics teachers.

IMSc Conversation Series | Why all the foreign words? Questioning the plurilingual in the making of poems: 26 July 2024

Fiona Bolger, Poet and Creative faciliator

Vigyan Pratibha Regional Workshop (KVS & JNV): 10-14 July 2024

Teacher workhop for Kendriya Vidyalaya and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya teachers from the southern region.

Vigyan Praitbha DIET worksohp: 25-27 June 2024

Workshop for TN SCERT DIET faculty on pedagogy and resources of Vigyan Pratibha.

Primary Science: A Discussion Meeting: 20-21 June 2024

School Mathematics resource meeting: 18-19 June 2024

All things that are light (and matter): 8 June 2024

A hands-on activity camp for students of classes 9-12

Science communication in Tamil: contemporary challenges and opportunities: 24-25 May 2024

A two day discussion meeting on broad themes of Science Communication with the practitioners, academicians, and institutions involved in public communication of science and technology, particularly in the Tamil region.

Understanding the UNFCCC Process -- Decoding COP28: 23 Mar 2024

Public lecture by T Jayaraman, Senior Fellow, M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation(MSSRF),
(Part of Climate Change in India: What do we know and how?)

Science at the Sabha: 18 Feb 2024

Talks on science for the general public at The Music Academy

State level Youth Astronomy and Space Science Congress: 27-28 Jan 2024

Co-organized by Tamilnadu Astronomy & Science Society (TASS)

IMSc Conversation Series | Living in Science - Scholar or Scribe: 5 Jan 2024

Shubashree Desikan, Science Journalist, Shaastra IITM (In conversation with: Varuni P)

Women and Work in India: Learning from Claudia Goldin: 25 Nov 2023

Public lecture by Kalaiyarasan A (MIDS) on the Nobel Prize in Economics 2023
(Part of Nobel Prize series, coorganized by TNSF popular lecture series)

Vigyan Pratibha Regional Workshop (KVS & JNV): 20-23 Nov 2023

Teacher workhop for Kendriya Vidyalaya and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya teachers from the southern region.

Women, Science and Media: 6-8 Nov 2023

A series of sessions highlighting Women in Science and Science Journalism

TNSF Lecture series: Nobel Prize in Physics: 4 Nov 2023

Conceiving and developing Attosecond optical pulses, Sivarama Krishnan, IITM

Vigyan Pratibha Teachers Workshop (TN govt schools Chennai region): 17-20 Oct 2023

Regional workshop for teachers in the Vigyan Pratibha program in Tamil

Mathematics Toy Development workshop: 13 Oct 2023

A workshop to develop Mathematics related toys

kaNita-kAnakam: 12 Oct 2023

Mathematics program in Tamil for school students

Facets: 9 Oct 2023

One-day Mathematics program for advanced college students

AKR centenary: 7 Oct 2023

Physics outreach lectures for invited college students as part of the Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri (AKR) centenary program

Chandrayaan-3 Soft-landing telecast: 23 Aug 2023

Vigyan Pratibha Regional Workshop (KVS & JNV): 10-14 July 2023

Teacher workhop for Kendriya Vidyalaya and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya teachers from the southern region.

Illam Thedi Kalvi - IMSc workshop: 21 March 2023

TN education department program where volunteers conduct activities with children after school hours.

Vanavil Mandram IMSc visit: 21 March 2023

Mathematics program for 6-8 class students of Vanavil Mandram state level program.

Science at the Sabha: 19 Feb 2023

Talks on science for the general public at The Music Academy

Darwin Day: 12 Feb 2023

IMSc and TNSF mark the birthday of Charles Darwin with a public event at Elliots Beach, Chennai.

Teacher's Enrichment Workshop: 23 - 28 Jan 2023

Workshop for mathematics teachers of Engineering colleges focusing on Linear algebra and discrete mathematics. | poster

Vigyan Pratibha Regional Workshop (KVS & JNV): 10-13 Jan 2023

Teacher workhop for Kendriya Vidyalaya and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya teachers from the southern region.

kaNita-kAnakam: 13 Dec 2022

Mathematics and science program in Tamil for school children

Facets: 29-30 Sept 2022

Mathematics program for college students

Vigyan Pratibha Regional Workshop (KVS Ernakulam): 21-23 Sept 2022

Teacher workhop for Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers from Kerala region.

Vigyan Pratibha Regional Workshop (KVS & JNV): 16-20 Aug 2022

Teacher workhop for Kendriya Vidyalaya and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya teachers from the southern region.

Vigyan Pratibha Regional Workshop (Chennai govt Schools): 10-12 Jul 2022

Teacher workhop for Chennai corporation school teachers.

Foldscope Programs 2022

Equity and Inclusion in Science: Role that individuals, institutions and society can play: 30 November 2021
IMSc Distinguished Lecture (part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav)
Prof. Rohini Godbole (Centre for High Energy Physics, IISc, Bengaluru)

I will discuss in this talk why it is essential to have equity and inclusion in the practice of science and how it benefits science as well. I will specialise to some extent, to case of Gender inequity. I will then review the Equity and Inclusion discussions in the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy released recently - STIP-2020 and the measures suggested therein. I will end by commenting what all of us, individuals, institutions and society can do in this context.

Playing games during a pandemic: Mathematical modeling for public health: 26 November 2021
IMSc Public Lecture (part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav)
Sitabhra Sinha (IMSc)

Using the language of game theory, we explore how individual responses to public health measures for containing pandemics constrain their effectiveness. Even when the benfits of such measures - which may involve vaccination or non-pharmaceutical interventions such as quarantining or mask-wearing - may appear obvious, individuals upon weighing the risk of infection against the cost(s) of adopting such measures, may decide not to conform. Not surprisingly, the course of the epidemic will itself depend on the collective aggregate of such individual decisions, with less-than-complete adherence bringing about multiple resurgences of the epidemic.

Physics of complex systems: disordered materials and the earth's climate: 8 November 2021
IMSc Public Lecture (part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav)
Pinaki Chaudhuri (IMSc) and R. Shankar (rtd. IMSc)

The 2021 Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded "for groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of complex system". One half of the prize is awarded to Giorgio Parisi, for discovering hidden patterns in disordered complex materials. This first half of this talk will discuss these findings and how they have permeated to understand other physical problems and phenomena in other scientific domains. The other half of the prize is shared by Syukuro Manbe and Klaus Hasselmann for their contributions to the physics of climate science, a specific complex system, in another scientific domain, namely the Earths climate. The second part of the talk will outline the historical evolution of ideas and discoveries in climate physics and attempt to describe the significance of their contributions in this context.

Physical Sciences: Synergy with Mathematics: 21 October 2021
IMSc Distinguished Lecture (part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav)
Prof. R. Chidambaram (DAE Homi Bhabha Chair Professor; Former Principal Scientific Adviser, GoI; Former Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission & Secretary, DAE)

Physical Sciences and Mathematics are very closely linked, from high energy physics to condensed matter physics and chemistry. Mathematics is used widely in other areas like nuclear reactor design, artiļ¬cial intelligence and cyber security. Computational Mathematics is also playing an increasingly important role.

Sensing Heat and Pressure: 18 October 2021
IMSc Public Lecture (part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav)
S Krishnaswamy, IMSc

The 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was jointly awarded to David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian for their discoveries of receptors for temperature and touch. The talk goes into how the discoveries were made and their importance in understanding one of our essential senses.


Workshop in Algebra: 7 - 9 September 2021 (online)

Mathematics lecture series for college/university teachers who teach UG/PG level mathematics courses. (An outreach programme of the Proceedings--Mathematical Sciences, a journal of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru.)

Vigyan Pratibha Regional Workshop (Tamil) 2020: 23 & 24 December (online)

Vigyan Pratibha is a Government of India for extended nurture of talent in Science and Mathematics among schools students. This workshop is for maths and science teachers of classes VIII - X.

Facets: 12--15 Oct 2020 (online)

Mathematics program for college students

Annular Solar Eclipse: 21st June 2020

Information about the upcoming Annular Solar Eclipse and how to watch it from wherever you are.

Mathematics Everywhere: CANCELLED

Program for College students to celebrate International Mathematics Day

Summer School Students Workshop: CANCELLED

Week-long summer science workshop for high school students

The Cryosphere and Climate of the Earth: 22nd Feb 2020
R. Shankar, IMSc

TNSF Popular Science Lecture Series - 17

Science at the Sabha: 16th Feb 2020

Talks on science for the general public at The Music Academy

Logic for non-persons?: 7th Jan 2020
Rohit Parikh
City University of New York, USA

A public lecture on logic and reasoning in babies, animals and groups.

Annular Solar Eclipse: 26th December 2019

List outreach activities in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu to view the Annular Solar Eclipse

Teacher's Enrichment Workshop: 25th - 30th Nov 2019

Workshop for mathematics teachers of Engineering colleges

Excitement in Science: 30th Nov 2019

A series of lectures on Science to celebrate Silver Jubilee year of the International Academy of Physical Sciences (IAPS)

Topics in Biology: 21st Nov 2019

Biology program for college students

Using ancient DNA to understand Indian history: 11th Nov 2019
Vagheesh Narasimhan
Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School

A public lecture on how the genetic makeup of modern Indian populations came to be.

Enriching Mathematics Education: 8th Nov 2019

Workshop for high school mathematics teachers

kaNita-kAnakam: 24th Oct 2019

Mathematics and science program in Tamil for school children

A Symplectic World View: 15th October 2019
Prof. Dishant Pancholi, IMSc
Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar Prize 2019 awardee

A public lecture on Symplectic Geometry and its applications to the understanding of our physical world

Vigyan Pratibha Chennai Regional Teachers Workshop 2019-2020 I: 9th - 11th Sept 2019

Regional workshop for KV and AECS teachers for Vigyan Pratibha program.

ASE Planning Workshop: 20th - 21st July 2019

Annular Solar Eclipse Outreach Planning Workshop

Facets: 8th - 9th July 2019

Mathematics program for college students

Teacher's Enrichment Workshop: 20th - 25th May 2019

Linear Algebra and Calculus on Rn
(A workshop for mathematics teachers of Arts and Science colleges)

Summer School Students Workshop: 14th - 22nd May 2019

Week-long summer sceince workshop for high school students

TNSF Chithirai FEST-I: 6th - 8th May 2019

Summer Camp
(Co-organised by The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Madras & Tamil Nadu Science Forum)

Heat waves, cyclones and sea level rise: understanding the recent IPCC report on climate change and its ramifications for India and the world
27th March 2019

Dr. Chirag Dhara
A public lecture on climate change
(part of the TNSF popular Science Lecture Series)

Science at the Sabha : 24th Feb 2019

Talks on science for the general public at The Music Academy

UN International Day for Girls and Women in Science: 11th Feb 2019

Science outreach initiative for girl students as part of the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Quantum Black Holes: 7th Jan 2019

A public lecture on an encounter between Hawking and Ramanujan (part of the Nag memorial lecture series)
Atish Dabholkar, International Centre for Theoretical Physics

The Stellar Legacy of Prof. Meghnad Saha: 3rd - 4th Jan 2019

A conference on the contributions of Meghnad Saha: from Society to the Cosmos

From the triangle inequality to the isoperimetric inequality: 22nd Dec 2018

A National Centre for Mathematics (NCM) public lecture to celebrate National Mathematics Day
Prof. S. Kesavan, IITM

The Ramanujan Tau Function: 22nd Dec 2018

A public lecture to commemorate National Mathematics Day
Prof. Ram Murty, Queen's University

Teacher's Enrichment Workshop: 26th Nov - 1st Dec 2018

Workshop for mathematics teachers of Engineering colleges

Vigyan Pratibha Chennai Region Teachers Workshop: 15th - 16th Nov 2018

Regional workshop for KV and AECS teachers for Vigyan Pratibha program.

kaNita-kAnakam: 26th Oct 2018

Mathematics and science program in Tamil for school children

Enriching Mathematics Education: 4th - 5th Oct 2018

Workshop for high school mathematics teachers

IMSc Open Day: 15th Sept 2018

A day of fun mathematics and science talks and activities for school children

Science, Journalism, Media: 20th - 21st Aug 2018

A workshop on Science communucation connecting scientists and journalists

Discovery of Helium from Andhra Pradesh: 17th August 2018

Lecture celebrating 150th anniversary of fingerprinting the Universe.
Dr. Niruj Mohan Ramanujam
View the video here here

Facets: 5th - 6th July 2018

Mathematics program for college students

Teacher's Enrichment Workshop: 21st - 26th May 2018

Workshop for mathematics teachers of Arts and Science colleges

Summer School Students Workshop: 8th - 17th May 2018

A summer Mathematics and Science workshop for high school students

Zero Shadow Day, Pudiyador, Urur Kuppam: 24th April 2018

You can print this poster (3x6ft) and use it to explain ZSD. For exact dates and time at your latitude and longitude, check out this ZSD app

Towards understanding grassroots India: 2nd March 2018

Dr. Ravi Kuchimanchi, Association for India's Development (AID)

Indian Women in Science: 11th Feb 2018

Exhibition on Indian Women in Science (as part of the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science)
The calendar featuring these scientists is now available for download here.

Science at the Sabha: 11th Feb 2018

Talks on science for the general public at The Music Academy

Teacher's Enrichment Workshop: 27th Nov - 2nd Dec 2017

Workshop for mathematics teachers of Engineering colleges

Scientists and school education: A discussion: 24th November 2017

Krishna Kumar, Visiting Fellow, MIDS, Chennai
(Formerly Professor, Delhi University and Director, NCERT)

Science Fun, Science toys: 2nd November 2017

Arvind Gupta, Arvind Aupta toys

kaNita-kAnakamn: 23rd Oct 2017

Mathematics program in Tamil for school children

Enriching Mathematics Education : 14th - 15th Sept 2017

Workshop for high school mathematics teachers

Archive of earlier programs