A two-day mathematics program

Organized by The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai

Venue: Ramanujan Auditorium, IMSc
Dates: 8th and 9th July 2019
Time: 09:00 - 17:00

Here's a poster for your notice boards.

This is the 2019 edition of the institute's outreach program for advanced undergraduate (BSc third year) and postgraduate (MSc) students of mathematics.

However, students in other scientific or engineering disciplines with a background in college level mathematics can also apply.

What's planned

The speakers


A tentative schedule is now available here.

The program is free of cost. Lunch and snacks will be provided.
However, participants have to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation.

The videos of the program are now available here.

Links to upcoming and past outreach events (including videos, slides and notes) may be found here.

For any other queries, email us: outreach@imsc.res.in