CAAG Course Notes

Kapil Hari Paranjape *

October 11, 2004

*To re-iterate what has been stated elsewhere...Unless stated otherwise the material herein is authored by me, is to be regarded as “Free or Azad or Mukta Software” and is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License also known as the GPL.

Under this page I will collect material for my course on Commutative Algebra for Algebraic Geometry.

The Syllabus as planned at the start of the course.

The stuff that was here earlier was a complete mess and so it has been re-written somewhat. The new version of the notes is still a patchwork but it will eventually be smoothened--resolution of singularities.

Meanwhile, here are all the assignments.

  1. Part I: Finite and Finite Dimensional Rings.
  2. Part II: An Introduction to Affine Schemes.
  3. Part III: Primary Decomposition.
  4. Part IV: An Introduction to Projective Schemes.
  5. Part V: The theory of dimension.
  6. Part VI: Morphisms between schemes.

Source TeX files for this course

May the source be with you! This source was converted into HTML using Eitan Gurari’s package TeX4ht with the following .tex4ht configuration file.

  1. index.tex
  2. syll.tex
  3. assign.tex
  4. finite.tex
  5. affine.tex
  6. primary.tex
  7. proj.tex
  8. dim.tex
  9. morphisms.tex