Talk Slides

Notes, Slides, etc.
  1. q-urious positivities in orbit problems , slides from a talk at a Workshop on Group Theory held at IISER Pune in February 2019.
  2. Tableau correspondences and representation theory, slides from a talk at ICADMA 2017 (held at BAMU Aurangabad).
  3. Automorphism orbits of subgroups in finite abelian groups, slides from a talk at ITCDM 2015 held at IIT Madras on 12 July 2015.
  4. Matrices modulo $p^k$ and $k$ commuting matrices modulo $p$, slides from a talk at IISER Pune on 24 April 2015 ((beamer version).
  5. Counting and Symmetry, slides from a talk on Polya theory given as part od DST INSPIRE Science camp on 14th October 2011 (pdf).
  6. Representations of symmetric groups via the RSK correspondence, notes for a talk given at IISc on 23rd September 2011 (pdf).
  7. Relative positions in finite abelian groups, slides from a talk given at the Institute Seminar Week 2011 (pdf).
  8. Combinatorics of finite abelian groups and the Weil representation, slides from a talk given at the ICM satellite conference on Algebraic and Combinatorial Approaches to Representation Theory held at NIAS Bangalore in August 2010, and at the International Conference on Non-commutative Rings and Combinatorial Representation Theory held at Pondicherry University in September 2010 (pdf).
  9. Faces of the Fourier transform, slides from a talk given at the workshop on Perspectives in Mathematics in Mumbai on December 21st, 2009 (pdf).
  10. Mackey's little groups method (with M. K. Vemuri). (pdf).
  11. Representations of GL2(Fq) and SL2(Fq) and some remarks about GLn(Fq) (Lecture notes from the Advanced Instructional School on Representation Theory and its Applications held in Pune in July 2007). (arXiv),(djvu),(html).
  12. GL2(Fp) (notes from a course taught at the summer student programme in 2005). (pdf).

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