R. Ramanujam
Research interests :
Mathematical and philosophical logic in computer science
Theory of distributed systems
- Temporal logics and verification
- Partial order models of concurrency
- Security protocols
- Logics of knowledge
- Foundations of game theory
Indian Scientists' Response to the Coronavirus
Some papers:
Paul Krasucki and R.Ramanujam, Knowledge and the ordering of events
in distributed systems, Proc. Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning
about Knowledge, Morgan Kaufmann, 1994, 267-283.
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Kamal Lodaya, Rohit Parikh, R.Ramanujam and P.S.Thiagarajan,
A logical study of distributed transition systems,
Information and Computation, Vol 119, No. 1, 1995, 91-118.
R.Ramanujam, A local presentation of synchronizing systems,
in Structures in Concurrency Theory, Ed: J\"org Desel, Springer
Workshops in Computing Series, 1995, 264-278.
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R. Ramanujam, Local knowledge assertions in a changing world,
Proc. Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge,
Morgan Kaufmann, 1996, pp 1-17.
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R. Ramanujam, Locally linear time temporal logic, Proc.
IEEE Logic in Computer Science, New Jersey, 1996, pp 118-127.
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R. Ramanujam, Trace consistency and inevitability, Proc.
FST and TCS, Hyderabad, 1996, Springer LNCS 1180, pp 250-261.
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R. Ramanujam, A discussion on explicit knowledge, in ``The
Parikh Poject: Seven papers in honour of Rohit'', ed. K.
Segerburg, UPPP Uppsala, 1996, pp 92-101.
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R. Ramanujam, Lecture notes on modal logic in computer science,
Winter school on logic and computer science, Indian Statistical
Institute, Calcutta, January 1997.
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R. Ramanujam, Rules for trace consistent reasoning,
Proc. Asian Computing Science Conference, Khatmandu,
1997, Springer LNCS 1345.
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S. Mohalik and R. Ramanujam, Assumption - Commitment in
Automata, Proc. FST and TCS, Kharagpur, 1997, Springer
LNCS 1346, pp 153-168.
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S. Mohalik and R. Ramanujam, A presentation of regular
languages in the Assumption - Commitment framework, Proc.
Concurrency and System Design, Aizu-Wakamatsu, March 1998,
pp 250-260.
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R. Ramanujam, View-based explicit knowledge,
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, vol 96, 1999, pp 343-368.
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B. Meenakshi and R. Ramanujam, Reasoning about message
passing in finite state environments, ICALP 2000,
LNCS 1853, June 2000, 487-498.
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Kamal Lodaya and R. Ramanujam, An automaton model of
user controlled navigation on the web, CIAA 2000,
LNCS 2088, July 2000, 208-216.
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R. Ramanujam and S.P. Suresh, Information based reasoning
for security protocols,
Logical aspects of Cryptographic Protocol Verification,
ENTCS vol 55, no 1, July 2001, 89-104.
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S. Mohalik and R. Ramanujam, Distributed automata in
an Assumption - Commitment framework,
Sadhana, Special issue on Formal methods in Verification,
vol. 27, part 2, April 2002, 209-250.
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B. Meenakshi and R. Ramanujam, Reasoning about
layered message-passing systems,
VMCAI 2003, LNCS 2575, January 2003, 268-282.
R. Ramanujam and S.P.Suresh, A decidable subclass of
unbounded security protocols, WITS 2003, April 2003, 11-20.
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R. Ramanujam and S.P.Suresh, An equivalence on terms for
security protocols, AVIS 2003, April 2003, 45-56.
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Rohit Parikh and R. Ramanujam, A knowledge based
semantics of messages, in Journal of Logic,
Language and Information, vol. 12, no. 4, 2003.
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R. Ramanujam and S.P.Suresh, Undecidability of secrecy for
security protocols, manuscript, July 2003.
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R. Ramanujam and S.P.Suresh, Tagging makes secrecy
decidable for unbounded nonces as well,
FST&TCS 2003, LNCS 2914, December 2003, 363-374.
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B. Meenakshi and R. Ramanujam, Reasoning about layered
message passing systems,
Special issue on Analysis and Verification,
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, Vol 30, 3-4,
Oct-Dec 2004, 171-206 (supercedes MR above).
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R. Ramanujam and S.P. Suresh, Decidability of secrecy for
context-explicit security protocols,
Journal of Computer Security, volume 13(1), 2005, 135-165.
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R. Ramanujam and S.P. Suresh, Deciding knowledge properties of security
Proc. Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge,
Morgan Kaufmann, 2005, 219-235
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R. Ramanujam and S.P. Suresh, A (restricted) quantifier elimination for
security protocols,
Theoretical Computer Science, vol 367, 2006, 228-256
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R. Ramanujam and Sunil Simon, Axioms for composite strategies,
Proc. Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory,
Liverpool, 2006.
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A. Baskar, R. Ramanujam and S.P. Suresh, Knowledge based modelling of
voting protocols, to appear in Proc. Theoretical Aspects of
Rationality and Knowledge, Morgan Kaufmann, 2007, 67-71.
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ISEA Course on Security, IMSc, May 15 -
June 9, 2006
Tamil Nadu Science Forum