Mast Kalandar

bandar's colander of random jamun aur aam

Tue, 07 Dec 2004

Soccer and the USA

lg, politics, soccer [link] [comments ()] [raw]

Jimmy O'Regan wrote (emphasis is mine!):

Yeah, but Americans don't really get soccer yet, so it's hard to imagine there'd be too many people who are really into it. (It's not just a European thing either: the South Americans are a lot louder from what I've seen).

As an honorary Mexican I feel compelled to object!

Ah! The USA is a bundle of contradictions:

  1. The most popular country in the world. (Look at immigration stats)

  2. The least popular government in the world. (Ask people around the world who enemy number 1 is)

  3. The country with the greatest number of great sports people. (See who has been winning the most gold medals over a longish period of time)

  4. The country with the least participation in the world's most popular game. (Soccer)

... the list goes on.


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