at ISI, Delhi library in 2011.


I am S. Sundar. I am currently a faculty member at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai. My research centres around problems in operator algebras arising out of semigroups and their actions.

Lecture notes

Notes on C*-algebras. These are the lecture notes prepared for a course on C*-algebras given at IMSC, Chennai during Sept 2019-March 2020. The targeted audience were graduate students interested in working in the area of operator algebras. The aim of this course was to make the audience familiar with few basic notions in the theory of C*-algebras and make them familiar with the language required to read the current literature on the subject. These notes should not be cited as a reference.

Notes on E_0-semigroups. These notes are based on a set of lectures given at the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi during July-Aug 2018.

Irreduciblilty of the Weyl representation. This note contains a proof of the fact that the Weyl representation of the CCR is irreducible.

Master's and Ph.d Thesis

THE GEOMETRY OF SOME QUANTUM HOMOGENOUS SPACES AND THE WEAK HEAT KERNEL EXPANSION. My Ph.d thesis done under the supervision of Prof. Partha Sarathi Chakraborty.

THE TEMPERLEY-LIEB ALGEBRA. My Master’s thesis done under the supervision of Prof. V. S. Sunder.

Contact Information

Institute of Mathematical Sciences,

4th cross road, CIT Campus,

Taramani, Chennai, 600113.