Simulation Results for Pacing Termination of Anatomical Reentry in Simulated VT

Successful termination of reentry in a ring (L = 250 mm) of cells  evolving according to Panfilov model equations.
Zone of slow conduction is between x = 25 mm and x = 50 mm with linearly graded boundary of 0.2 units/mm. Two pacing stimuli applied (at x = 0 mm) at T1 = 171.49 ms (CI = 130.9 ms) and T2 = 327.14 ms (PI = 155.65 ms). Termination occurs at T ~ 440 ms.

A spacetime evolution diagram of the membrane potential variable in the Panfilov model showing termination of reentry in a ring.

Spatiotemporal propagation of a reentrant wave in a ring (L = 250 mm) successfully terminated by two pacing stimuli applied at x = 0 mm : at T1 = 2600 ms and T2 = 3200 ms. Zone of slow conduction has a step boundary.

Unsuccessful pacing in a 2-D homogeneous media of cells evolving according to Panfilov model equations. Simulation domain: 128 mm × 128 mm (conductivity constant D = 1). Snapshots of the membrane potential for 4-burst stimulus pacing (applied at 462 ms, 627 ms, 792 ms and 957 ms). The two inexcitable obstacles are each 48.5 × 43 mm with the channel in between having a width of 2.5 mm.
Pacing failed to terminate the reentrant wave in the homogeneous media.

Successful pacing termination of reentry in a 2-D inhomogeneous Panfilov model media.
Simulation parameters identical as in the previous figure except for a region of slow conduction of length 7.5 mm (D' = 0.05) in the narrow channel.
4th stimulus is blocked in the channel leading to successful termination.