First Meru Combinatorics Conference 2023

This is the first of a series of annual conferences on combinatorics in India: the Meru Annual Combinatorics Conference. The format of the series will be two mini-courses in combinatorics (interpreted broadly) as well as contributed talks and posters.

Meru stands for the mountain in Indian mythology and was used as a metaphor for the triangle of binomial coefficients studied by classical Indian prosodists.

Dates: 29th to 31st May, 2023

Venue: Pondicherry University

Organised by: Department of Mathematics, Pondicherry University

Scientific Advisory Committee:

  • A. Joseph Kennedy (Pondicherry University)
  • Arvind Ayyer (IISc)
  • N. Narayanan (IIT Madras)
  • Amritanshu Prasad (IMSc)
  • S. Sivaramakrishnan (IIT Bombay)

There is no registration fee, but all participants are required to register by filling the form below. Limited funding will be available for registered participants.

Conference Poster: png pdf


Registration and submission of abstracts is now closed.

  1. The duration of each contributed talk is 25 minutes.
  2. The list of selected contributed talks and posters will be announced on 1st May 2023.
  3. Latex formatting can be used in the title and abstract, but do not use any user-defined macros. Please check that they rendered correctly by clicking on "preview".
  4. A link to a preprint or published paper will help us evaluate your submission better.
  5. Please check all fields carefully before hitting the "submit" button. Multiple submissions will be frowned upon.
  6. It is recommended that you prepare your abstract separately and then paste it into the form.

Submission Deadline: 15 April, 2023


Conference Venue: Seminar Hall, Deprtment of Mathematics, Pondicherry Univerisity, Kalapet, Pondicherry 605014.

Accommodation: All guest houses are within walking distance of Pondicherry University bus stop (2nd Gate).


  • Breakfast and Lunch will be provided to all participants at the venue.
  • A special dinner will be organized at Hotel Southernlands Royale on the first day of the conference at 7pm.
  • Participants are requested to make their own arrangements for dinner on 30th and 31st.



  • Jaish – 9585366456
  • Sundaresan – 9488080147/ 7708148332
  • Prakash – 8903611713
  • Amlan – 9445967651/6374130937
  • Murugan – 9585111219
  • Muniasamy – 9445756785


  • Dr. SN. Fathima – 9655486156
  • Dr. T. Asir – 9486550157 / 9095050865
  • Dr. Kennedy – 9382822684 (emergencies only)

Schematic Map of Important Places:

Auto Drivers (available at Pondicherry University Gate 2):

  • Thiru - 9498813004/ 6380128467
  • Ramesh - 9345443174
  • Mani - 9499035212
  • Udhaya - 9585241067
  • Ragu - 9944049754

Auto Fares:

  • Pondicherry (Bus Stand / Railway Station / Airport) to Pondicherry University - Rs.400
  • Guest House (I / II) to Maths Dept (Venue) - Rs.50
  • HRDC Guest House to Maths Dept (Venue) - Rs.80
  • Guest House (I / II) / Maths Dept to Southern Lands Hotel (Dinner) - Rs.50
  • HRDC Guest House to Southern Lands Hotel (Dinner) - Rs.80
4 to 5 persons can share an auto.

Taxi Companies:

  • Sivasakthi travel: 9842333199/ 9443279892 (Rs 3500 for Chennai-Puducheri).
  • Pravein: 99945542699 (Rs 3000-3500 for Chennai-Puducheri).