Tuesday, August 18 2020
16:00 - 17:00

IMSc Webinar

Unravelling rice cellular physiology

Sudip Kundu

University of Calcutta

[Google Meet Link]: meet.google.com/ewb-smyc-dog

[Download title and abstract of the talk]: www.imsc.res.in/~asamal/seminar/SudipKundu_Aug18_2020.pdf

Morethan 20% caloric intake of the whole world population comes fromrice; however, this rice production is under several biotic andabiotic stresses. Thus, society needs efficient stress tolerant highyield rice cultivars. A deep understanding of the rice cellular andplant physiology, and how its outcome depends on the interactions ofseveral levels of different cellular networks will help the ricebiotechnologist to achieve this goal. Towards this aim, the focus ofthis presentation would be use of analytical techniques to understandthe rice cellular physiology.
Firstly,I will discuss how integration of different omics data and networktheory can not only unravel various regulatory interactionsconnecting phenotypic changes with cellular and / or molecular eventstriggered by stress, but also provides a framework to deepen ourunderstanding of stress cellular physiology. However, this techniquewill not be very useful to understand the cellular metabolism andthus, we use two different metabolic modelling tools, namely fluxbalance analysis (FBA) and elementary flux mode (EFM) analysistechniques.

Secondly,I will describe how we create a structural metabolic model thatcontains the reactions that participate in photorespiration in theplastid, peroxisome, mitochondrion and cytosol, and the metaboliteexchanges between them, and analyse this model (i) to understandbiochemical basis of leafammonium accumulation and chlorosis in GS2 mutant type and (ii) toaddress the impact of photorespiration on metabolism.We also provide a formal demonstration that photorespiration itselfdoes not impact on the CO2:O2 ratio (assimilation quotient), exceptin those modes associated with concomitant nitrate reduction.

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