Wednesday, January 24 2024
16:00 - 17:00

* VenueMedia Centre
* SpeakerSarang Sane
* TitleDerived categories supported on certain ideals
AffiliationIIT Madras
AbstractLet A be an abelian category and B be a (full) Serre subcategory in A. It is a classical question as to when the natural functor from the bounded derived category of B to the bounded derived category of A supported on B is an equivalence. When R is a commutative, unital, noetherian ring, A = M (R) is the category of finitely generated R-modules and B is the
full subcategory of I-torsion modules for some ideal I of R, the above functor is an equivalence. When R is a finite dimensional regular ring, one can replace M (R) by the full subcategory P (R) of finitely generated projective R-modules. In this talk, we explore what equivalence can be expected when we make this replacement of M (R) by P (R) without any
assumption of regularity. We will show how this exploration leads to a characterization of Cohen-Macaulay, local rings, and
a similar equivalence as above when I is of finite projective dimension and R has positive characteristic.
* Announcement?Institute
* Refreshments?Before the event
* Honorarium?Faculty
Special Arrangements?None
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