Wednesday, May 1 2024
14:00 - 15:00

* VenueMedia Centre
* SpeakerTV Ratheesh
* TitleMonomial expansions of q-Whittaker polynomials
AbstractPre-synopsis seminar (hybrid)
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Meeting ID: 990 6046 3719
Passcode: 511673
We consider the monomial expansion of the $q$-Whittaker polynomials given by the fermionic formula and
via the {\em inv} and {\em quinv} statistics. We construct bijections between the parametrizing sets of
these three models which preserve the $x$- and $q$-weights, and which are compatible with natural
projection and branching maps. We apply this to the limit construction of local Weyl modules and obtain
a new character formula for the basic representation of $\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_n}$.
* Announcement?None
* Refreshments?None
* Honorarium?None
Special Arrangements?None
* Host name and emailSankaran Viswanath @@

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