Monday, December 13 2021
10:00 - 11:15

IMSc Webinar

Strongly correlated phases in models with random interactions

Darshan G. Joshi

Department of Physics, Harvard University

Strong interactions between electrons results in many fascinating
emergent phases of matter. Among these one of the most enigmatic phase is a
strange metal, which is characterized by an absence of quasiparticles and a
linear-in-temperature resistivity. Recent experiments on hole-doped cuprate
materials indicate the presence of a quantum critical point at a finite
hole doping underneath the superconducting dome. The strange metal is
connected to this critical point. Moreover, spectroscopic experiments in
the strange-metal phase have reported marginal density-density
correlations. We will show that these key aspects of cuprate materials are
well captured by a model of electrons with an all-to-all and random hoping
and exchange interactions. In this model, certain critical exponents can be
calculated exactly. We shall briefly also show that such random models can
host other correlated phases such as a superconductor and anomalous metals.

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