Thursday, July 9 2020
20:30 - 21:45

IMSc Webinar

Plethystic inversion and representations of the symmetric group, part 2

Sheila Sundaram

Pierrepont School

In this talk we will survey the many instances of plethystic inversion that occur in the representation theory of the symmetric group Sn. Perhaps the first such formula is due to Cadogan. The Lie representation of Sn, arising from the free Lie algebra, appears here. We will discuss the equivalence of Cadogan's formula to Thrall's decomposition of the regular representation, and to many other phenomena in a wide variety of contexts. New decompositions of the regular representation will be presented. Some of this material appears in the following papers: arXiv:1803.09368 arXiv:2003.10700. arXiv:2006.01896.

Zoom Meeting ID 844 6767 0694.

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