Monday, February 8 2021
15:30 - 16:30

IMSc Webinar

Group actions in the non-commutative geometry.

Dr. Safdar Quddus, Inspire faculty at IISc, Bangalore.

Historically it is well known that group action changes the
homological,differential and topological properties of manifolds. The
aim of this talk to discuss the action of finite groups on some
non-commutative differential and algebraic spaces. We shall
firstly discuss the (co)homological properties of non-commutative
and quantum torus then observe how the quotient spaces
resulting by the actions of discrete subgroups of $SL(2,\mathbb Z)$
behave and then shall discuss the flip actions on the
non-commutative sphere. We shall see how the tools are developed
in non-commutative geometry to understand and tackle the group action on general
non-commutative spaces.
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