Tuesday, January 12 2021
11:30 - 12:30

IMSc Webinar

Modelling Neutron Star-Black Hole Binaries: Future Pulsar Surveys and Gravitational Wave detectors [arXiv:2011.13503]; Meeting Link: meet.google.com/woz-idbx-pqg

Debatri Chattopadhyay

Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University

Binaries consisting of a neutron star (NS) and a black hole (BH) have so far eluded confirmed canonical observations as pulsars with radio astronomy and binary mergers with gravitational waves (GWs). The extreme gravity of such systems will allow for tests of General Relativity, probe cosmology, and their unique characteristics may shine a light on the physics of massive binary and pulsar evolution. Future pulsar surveys by radio telescopes such as SKA or MeerKAT, and GW runs by LIGO (and LISA in the future) are expected to detect such systems. We model the formation and evolution of these NS+BH binaries—including pulsar evolution—using the binary population synthesis code COMPAS. The uncertain parameter space of massive binary and pulsar evolution is explored with a suite of models. Exploring the parameter space of such compact binaries and pulsars, we predict the observables (mass, spins, orbital properties etc. ) for the future pulsar and GW surveys, as well as show how the history of the binary can be deciphered from detectable signals.

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