Thursday, November 9 2023
11:30 - 13:00

Alladi Ramakrishnan Hall

Fast 2-approximation algorithm for unweighted All Pair Shortest Path.

Pritesh Kumar


Given a graph G =(V,E), in
this problem, the goal is to compute the distances between all pairs
of vertices in a graph. In this talk, we will see a recent fast
approximation algorithm for APSP.

This talk is essentially a presentation of the findings discussed in
the following paper, which is set to appear in the proceedings of
Title: Fast 2-Approximate All-Pairs Shortest Paths
Authors: Michal Dory, Sebastian Forster, Yael Kirkpatrick, Yasamin
Nazari, Virginia Vassilevska Williams, and Tijn de Vos.
Link to the Paper:

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