Alladi Ramakrishnan Hall
Singlet, triplet, and mixed all-to-all pairing states emerging from incoherent fermions
Jagannath Sutradhar
Bar-Ilan University and Ariel University
The electron-electron and electron-phonon coupling in complex materials can be more complicated than simple density-density interactions, involving
intertwined dynamics of spin, charge, and spatial symmetries. This motivates studying universal models with complex interactions and whether BCS-type singlet
pairing is still the “natural” fate of the system. To this end, we construct a Yukawa-SYK model with nonlocal couplings in both spin and charge channels.
Furthermore, we provide for time-reversal-symmetry breaking dynamics by averaging over the Gaussian unitary ensemble rather than the orthogonal ensemble. We find
that the ground state of the system can be an orbitally nonlocal superconducting state arising from incoherent fermions with no BCS-like analog. The
superconductivity has an equal tendency to triplet and singlet pairing states separated by a non-Fermi liquid phase. We further study the fate of the system within
the superconducting phase and find that the expected ground state, away from the critical point, is a mixed singlet/triplet state. Finally, we find that, while at
𝑇𝑐 the triplet and singlet transitions are dual to one another, below 𝑇𝑐 the duality is broken, with the triplet state more susceptible to orbital fluctuations
just by its symmetry. Our results indicate that such fluctuation-induced mixed states may be an inherent feature of strongly correlated materials.