Friday, March 22 2019
14:00 - 15:30

Alladi Ramakrishnan Hall

Twisted Indices of 3d N=2 Affine-ADE Quivers

Dharmesh Jain

SINP, Kolkata

We study 3d N=2 Chern-Simons quiver theories on Σg×S¹. Using localization results, we examine their twisted index in the large rank limit and requiring the resulting matrix models to be local, find quiver theories that have quivers in one-to-one correspondence with the affine-ADE Dynkin diagrams. We give explicit results for the twisted index of affine-AD quivers, leading to certain predictions for their holographic duals. If time and interest permits, we will work out the result for D₄ quiver.

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