Tuesday, November 30 2021
16:00 - 17:30

IMSc Webinar

Equity and Inclusion in Science (Role that individuals, institutions and society can play)

Rohini Godbole

CHEP, IISc Bengaluru

I will discuss in this talk why it is essential to have equity and inclusion in the practice of science and  how it  benefits science as well. I will specialise to some extent, to case of Gender inequity. I will then review the Equity and Inclusion discussions in  the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy released recently - STIP-2020 and the measures suggested therein. I will end by commenting what all of us, individuals, institutions and society can do in this context.

Zoom: zoom.us/j/98064379891?pwd=RzJTUDhVUWlaZHdTWEc5aXk4VSs3UT09

YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgVRQDaAdcs

Poster: www.imsc.res.in/akam/

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