Alladi Ramakrishnan Hall
Exploring contextuality and determining the parity of a permutation using an NMR qutrit
Shruti Dogra
Quantum information processors exploit the intrinsic quantumness of quantum systems to perform
computational tasks more efficiently than their classical counterparts. This talk focuses on exploring
single-qutrit contextuality, which is an intrinsic feature providing speed up in quantum computational
tasks. Contextuality refers to the context of a measurement, which states that the measurement of an
observable may bear different outcomes when measured in different contexts. In this talk, I will discuss
the experimental demonstration of a single qutrit contextuality, based on nine observables [1], using a
set of four NMR experiments [2]. A single-shot test to reveal the contextuality of diagonal states of a
single qutrit is also performed [2]. The quantum features of the single-qutrit are further exploited by
implementing a black-box based algorithm, that determines the parity of a permutation among three
objects by a single oracle call whereas its classical counterpart requires two oracle calls [3, 4]. The NMR
experiments on a single-qutrit are carried out on a spin-1 oriented in a liquid crystalline matrix.
[1] P. Kurzynski and D. Kaszlikowski, ``Contextuality of almost all qutrit states can be revealed with nine
observables," Phys. Rev. A vol. 86, pp. 042125 (2012).
[2] S. Dogra, K. Dorai, and Arvind, ``Experimental demonstration of quantum contextuality on an NMR
qutrit," Phys. Lett. A vol. 380, pp. 1941 (2016).
[3] Z. Gedik, I. A. Silva, B. Cakmak, G. Karpat, E. L. G. Vidoto, D. O. Soares-Pinto, E. R. deAzevedo,
and F. F. Fanchini, ``Computational speed-up with a single qudit," Scientific Reports vol. 5, pp. 14671 (2015).
[4] S. Dogra, Arvind, and K. Dorai, ``Determining the parity of a permutation using an experimental NMR qutrit," Phys. Lett. A vol. 378, pp. 3452 (2014).