Thursday, April 28 2016
15:30 - 17:00

Hall 123

High-dimensional unitary transformations and boson sampling on temporal modes using dispersive optics

Tanmay Singal


A major challenge for postclassical boson sampling experiments is the need for a large number of coupled optical modes, detectors, and single-photon sources. Here we show that these requirements can be greatly eased by time-bin encoding and dispersive optics-based unitary transformations. Detecting consecutively heralded photons after time-independent dispersion performs boson sampling from unitaries for which an efficient classical algorithm is lacking. We also show that time-dependent dispersion can implement general single-particle unitary operations. More generally, this scheme promises an efficient architecture for a range of other linear optics experiments.

Journal Ref : Phys. Rev. A 93, 043803 (2016) []

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