Alladi Ramakrishnan Hall
Precision Frontiers through Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics
Goutam Das
RWTH, Aachen
Abstract: Understanding the behavior of fundamental particles has been one of the main goals of the past century. The quantum fieldtheory-based Standard Model of particle physics has beensuccessful so far in describing the non-gravitational phenomenathrough collider studies. However, the SM is not the completedescription of Nature. There are certain theoretical issuesand observational evidence which suggest the existence of newphysics beyond the SM. New particles are expected to beshort-lived, and their signature might show up as a deviationfrom the rate of production of a known SM process.To search for this new physics it is essentialto understand the SM precisely. This involves on the one hand precise experimental measurements at the colliders and on the other hand precise knowledge of the underlying theory, background, and control over theoretical uncertainties. In the colloquium, I will discuss the advancement of precision studies through perturbative quantum chromodynamics and how it can play an important role at the current Large Hadron Collider and the next-generation colliders.