Tuesday, August 6 2024
14:00 - 15:30

* VenueE C G Sudarshan Hall
* SpeakerTirthankar Banerjee
* TitleStatistical Physics of non-equilibrium soft and active systems in low dimensions
AffiliationUniversity of Luxembourg
AbstractFrom coherent swarms of fish or movement of ions into cell membranes to leakage of gases through container pores or waves propagating through biological tissues, the non-equilibrium world around us is complex, diverse and dynamic. In this talk, I will first briefly discuss a few classes of non-equilibrium theories of interacting systems which comprise rich phase behaviour and lend themselves to analytical tractability. Next, motivated by contraction waves in biological tissues, I will introduce a new minimal hydrodynamic description of a class of pulsating systems and discuss transitions between different dynamical phases therein. I will then show how fluctuations affect such pattern forming systems. I will conclude by sharing broader perspectives on how deformable systems can provide a fertile ground for Statistical Physics research in the near future.
* Announcement?Institute
* Refreshments?After the event
* Honorarium?None
Special Arrangements?None
* Host name and emailDebayan Chakraborty @@ debayan@imsc.res.in

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