Friday, August 13 2021
15:30 - 17:00

IMSc Webinar

From Raman Effect to Nuclear Power -- Celebration of AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV - Webinar



As a part of the celebration of *AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV*, HBNI
is organising a series of lectures by eminent Scientists / Technologists
in the country to highlight the achievements made by India since
independence and also deliberate on current and future challenges.

*Dr.R.Chidambaram*, Homi Bhabha Chair Professor and former
Principal Scientific Adviser to Government of India has kindly agreed
to deliver the first lecture of the series today, i.e. *

Friday, 13^th August, 2021 **at 1530 hours*..

The announcement containing the link to WebEx platform is enclosed

The program will also be available on YouTube Live .

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