Room 117
Disproving the Peres conjecture: Bell nonlocality from bipartite bound entanglement
Ravi Kunjwal
Entanglement and Bell nonlocality are nowadays viewed as defining features
of quantum theory, and play a prominent role in quantum information
processing. The exact relation between entanglement and nonlocality is
however still poorly understood. In 1999, Peres conjectured that bound
entanglement---the most contrived form of entanglement---can never lead to
nonlocality---the strongest form of inseparability in quantum theory.
Subsequently, the Peres conjecture was shown to be true in several specific
cases, providing evidence of the existence of a strong link between the
violation of Bell inequalities and entanglement distillability. Here we
disprove the Peres conjecture by presenting a bipartite bound entangled
state that violates a Bell inequality. This shows that nonlocality and
entanglement distillability are inequivalent even in the bipartite case.
Finally, we show that our bound entangled states is useful for
nonlocality-based quantum information applications, in particular for
device-independent randomness certification.
Based on the following work of Tamas Vertesi, Nicolas Brunner: