Wednesday, January 11 2023
15:30 - 16:30

Room 217

Invariance of Floer cohomology under higher mutation via neck-stretching

Soham Chanda

Rutgers University

Pascaleff-Tonkonog defined higher mutations for monotone toric fibers and proved an invariance of disc potential under a change of local system. I will start the talk with a quick recap of Floer cohomology then proceed to define a local version of higher mutations for locally mutable Lagrangians and present mutation formulas which agree with the ones in Pascaleff-Tonkonog. Time permitting, I will explain the neck-stretching construction from Symplectic Field Theory which is a crucial heuristic in the proof of invariance of Lagrangian intersection cohomology under a change of local system and sketch the idea of the proof for the mutation formula.

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