* Venue | Media Centre |
* Speaker | Aniket Kulkarni |
* Title | Introduction to Deep Learning using Keras and TensorFlow |
Affiliation | College of Engineering, Pune |
Abstract | Deep Learning is a new area of Machine Learning research. It is the study of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and related Machine Learning algorithms. ANNs are networks which can simulate the actions in the complex network of neurons in the brain. Deep Learning has seen major success in recent years in application to the fields of Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Bioinformatics, Speech Analysis, Financial Market Analysis and Fraud Detection |
* Announcement? | None |
* Refreshments? | None |
* Honorarium? | None |
Special Arrangements? | |
* Host name and email | Rahul Siddarthan @@ rsidd@imsc.res.in |