Hall 123
Implementation of Quantum Computing
Debabrata Goswami
Summary: Quantum computing exploits the quantum mechanical nature of matter to simultaneously exist in multiple possible states. In contrast to the classical computing logic of digital binary bits, quantum computing is built on the basis of interacting two-level quantum systems or ‘qubits’ that follow the laws of quantum mechanics. Addressability of the quantum system and its fragility to fidelity are the major issues of concern, which if addressed appropriately, will enable this new approach to revolutionize the present form of computing. Currently, the race to build larger and larger quantum computers is heating up, with several technologies competing for a role in future devices. Each potential platform has strengths and weaknesses. This series of lectures will briefly build on the essential aspects of quantum computing to provide the required basics to look into the present status of this race towards practical (and commercial) implementation of quantum computers (QC).
Lectures 1 & 2: Tools of the trade—Schrodinger, Heisenberg & Dirac formalism of Quantum Mechanics; Density Matrices; Coherence; Light Matter interaction; Linear and Nonlinear principles; Rabi Oscillations; Coherent Control and Decoherence.
Lecture 3: Implementation Approaches through NMR
Lecture 4: Implementation Approaches through Ion Traps
Lecture 5 and 6: D-wave commercial system and Other Popular Approaches—both commercial and research labs
Lecture 7: Present status and possible future directions