Friday, July 8 2016
15:30 - 16:45

Alladi Ramakrishnan Hall

Nonlinear Magnetization Dynamics of Spin Transfer Nano-Oscillators (STNO)

B. Subash

Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli

Phase-locking or synchronization is a typical nonlinear phenomenon which can be achieved in very many ways. One of the prominent ways of achieving it is by injection locking, that is locking the oscillations to an external applied oscillating source of frequency nearly equal to the oscillator frequency. For a spin transfer nano oscillator(nano scale source of microwaves), to enhance the output power one can apply an external source by means of two ways, they are (i) through an alternating current and (ii) through an external microwave field. We have compared both the above methods and made a critical comparison to show the effectiveness of using microwave field as an external driving source. Our results are consistent with recent experiments.

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