Friday, July 17 2020
15:00 - 17:00

IMSc Webinar

Webinar: Anderson Garden

G. Baskaran

Department of Physics, IITMadras & IMSc, Chennai

P.W. Anderson (1923-2020), was one of the greatest
scientists of second
half of last century. I got introduced to Anderson's works during my
Ph.D. and PDF days at IISc (1970-78). I frequented Anderson garden, even
before he was awarded Nobel Prize in 1977. Thanks to friends and
happenings at IISc, Univ of Madras and ICTP, I had a wonderful
opportunity to work with the gardener himself, from 1984 till recently.
I will give a glimpse of Anderson as a person and his contributions to
condensed matter physics and beyond.


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