Alladi Ramakrishnan Hall
New multiplets in four dimensional N=2 conformal supergravity
Subramanya Hegde
IISER, Trivendrum
Superconformal multiplet calculus provides a systematic method to
construct higher derivative invariants in Poincare supergravity. In this
context, multiplets in conformal supergravity are of interest. The minimal
multiplet containing the gauge fields of the superconformal algebra is
called as the Weyl multiplet. In five dimensions, it was shown that there
are two such Weyl multiplets that differ in their auxiliary field content.
The new Weyl multiplet contains a real scalar field of Weyl weight +1 and
was named as dilaton Weyl multiplet. This was obtained using two different
routes. We will see that the two routes lead to two different (new)
multiplets in four dimensions. One of these is the dilaton Weyl multiplet
in four dimensions and the other, is the 24+24 real scalar multiplet.
Further, we will see the reduction of this multiplet to an 8+8 restricted
multiplet and a precise embedding of the known 8+8 tensor multiplet inside
this multiplet. We will discuss the possible future directions and if time
permits, some recent work in N=3 conformal supergravity.