Wednesday, June 26 2024
11:30 - 13:00

* VenueE C G Sudarshan Hall
* SpeakerBindusar Sahoo
* TitleSuperconformal approach to N=4 supergravity
AffiliationIISER TVM
AbstractIn this talk we will discuss the superconformal approach to construct higher derivative invariants in N=4 supergravity. We will begin with some general discussions about the construction of conformal supergravity as a gauge theory which will be followed by the construction of four dimensional N=4 conformal supergravity in particular. We will then discuss the superform action principle for the construction of supersymmetric invariant actions which we will apply in the construction of the most general invariant action in N=4 conformal supergravity. We will further discuss our ongoing work in using the results in conformal supergravity in the construction of higher derivative invariants in N=4 Poincare supergravity. We will end with some future directions where we can apply our results in understanding some of the issues concerning small black holes in N=4 supergravity.
* Announcement?Institute
* Refreshments?Before the event
* Honorarium?None
Special Arrangements?None
* Host name and emailVenkat Suryanaranaya Nemani @@

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