Thursday, September 10 2020
16:00 - 17:00

IMSc Webinar

Stochastic dynamics in low dimensional systems

R.K. Brojen Singh

JNU, New Delhi

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The processes of the systems far below thermodynamics limit generally exhibit stochastic nature, andthe evolved noise becomes one important parameter which regulate the systems’ dynamics. Complexsystems are multi-dimensional systems in general and study such systems are quite difficult bothanalytically as well as numerically. However, dimensional reduction of such systems with suitableconditions allow us to study important behavior of the systems with significant accuracy. We wouldlike introduce stochastic formalism of complex systems in general. Then techniques to reduce thesystems’ dimension to solvable one with examples and solving techniques will be explained withexamples. The observation of various distinct noise driven patterns, which may correspond tovarious systems’ states, will be explained.

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