Room 327
BRST v/s EPR in Maxwell - continued
Ronak M Soni
TIFR, Mumbai
It has been known for a while that entanglement shouldn't be
calculated after gauge-fixing, because gauge-fixing 'rearranges' degrees of
freedom in space. However, it is an open question whether accounting for
the entanglement of the BRST ghosts cancels this gauge-dependence. More
precisely, the question is: do two different states in the same
BRST-cohomology necessarily have the same entanglement?
A piece of evidence that the answer is yes is that the replica trick path
integral is gauge-invariant. We show, however, that the answer is no, and
further that this is completely compatible with the gauge-invariance of the
replica trick path integral.
Finally, I discuss whether we can bound the gauge-dependence in some way.