Friday, August 26 2016

Alladi Ramakrishnan Hall

Cosmological Inflation and Primordial Magnetic Fields

Rajeev Kumar Jain

CP3-Origins, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

I will start with a brief introduction to cosmological inflation and the observational evidence for cosmic magnetic fields. I will then outline various mechanisms for generation of primordial magnetic fields from inflation and discuss the constraints arising from the strong coupling, backreaction and the anisotropies due to the induced bispectrum of the generated magnetic fields for the simplest gauge invariant model of inflationary magnetogenesis. In the second part of my talk, I will discuss non-Gaussian imprints of cosmic magnetic fields by means of a cross-correlation between the primordial curvature perturbations and magnetic fields. Such a correlation serves as a new contribution to the non-Gaussian signatures induced by primordial magnetic fields. We obtain a simple consistency relation for this cross-correlation in the squeezed limit while the signal is maximized for the flattened configuration where the magnetic non-linear parameter becomes large. Towards the end, I will also discuss primordial magnetogenesis in a non-singular bouncing scenario wherein a scale invariant spectrum of magnetic fields can be obtained.

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