K. S. Krishnan Discussion Meeting on
Frontiers in Quantum Science

Professor K S Krishnan was a pioneer in what is now called quantum condensed matter physics. His fundamental contributions to Raman effect, anisotropic magnetic properties of molecules and solids, discoveries of quasi 2 dimensional electron transport and Landau diamagnetism in graphite, theory and experiments on the electron transport in alloys (Krishnan-Bhatia forumula) and other phenoemena gave credence to quantum theory of matter that was being vigorously developed then. Impressed by Krishnan's insights into quantum mechanics, during a lecture course at Calcutta, Sommerfield is known to have invited Krishnan to coauthor a book on quantum mechanics. Quantum science, nurtured by people like Krishnan has matured over decades and is setting the agenda for a large part of modern science and technology. An example of the latest among them is quantum computers, a most exciting frontier in theoretical and experimental physics.

In response to an invitation from Dr T Ramasami, President of K S Krishnan Memorial Trust, Chennai, we felt it appropriate to have a two day discussion meeting, once in an year, under the above title, in one of the frontiers. This will be a platform for exposure and discussion of work done and fostering collaboration. The Meets are sponsored jointly by Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai and K S Krishnan Memorial Trust, Chennai. The venue will be Institute of Mathematical Sciences.

K S Krishnan was also a great populariser of science and was a selfless enthusiast who shared his scientific insights and knowledge liberally with young students from various colleges, even as a student and later as an young techer at Madurai and Chennai. To commemmorate this aspect we have established a popular talk on frontiers of quantum science by one of the speakers, during the Meet. The venue for this popular lecture will be Madras Christian College, an Alma Mater of K S Krishnan. This will be one way we can disseminate the exciting happenings in modern quantum science to young students and also attract them to science.