The original hoax article: "Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity" by Alan D. Sokal. ( Includes the "Afterword" that he submitted to Social Text after he revealed the hoax.)

The hoax is exposed in the article: "A Physicist Experiments with Cultural Studies" by Alan D. Sokal Lingua Franca , May/June 1996, pp.62-64.

The editorial in Social Text in response to Sokal's exposure:

Sokal's reply to Social Text Editorial:

Sokal's reply to an op-ed piece by Stanley Fish in New York Times, which the paper refused to publish in entirety. Sokal withdrew the letter from publication as a result. Postscript

Here is my own celebration of Sokal's effort, published in Frontline Vol. 13, No.9, Sept. 21-Oct. 4.
"Exposing Anti-Science: The Sokal Affair"
HTML Version

Sokal's article was published as part of a special issue on science studies that is to appear with further additions as a book to be published by Duke University Press. A mathematician comments on the other articles in the same issue of Social Text.

"A Mathematician Reads Social Text" by Michael C. Sullivan

A British sociologist, Steve Fuller, defends the post-modernists. HTML Version

A physicist, Lawrence Krauss, in appreciation of Sokal. HTML Version

A note from The Scientist, by Irving M. Klotz. HTML Version

Another mathematician, Evans M. Harrell II, appreciates Sokal's effort. HTML Version

A defence by Bruce Robbins, Co-Editor, Social Text. HTML Version

Yet another defence by Bruce Robbins. HTML Version

A note published in The Nation. HTML Version

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